An Extra Special Thank You

23 Jun

It doesn’t happen often when one can thank another for their hand in the changing of their life. Usually this occurs when someone does life-saving CPR on a dying person, or someone saves a little, old lady from being hit by a car in a cross walk. These instances are the more well known ways someone can help save someone they don’t know. They are not the only ways, oh no…everyday people affect the lives of others in ways many would never even be able to comprehend.

I want to say “Thank you” to the girl who stole my boyfriend away. She did an immensely huge favor for me by taking off my hands, a man I no longer loved. She took away the man who neglected me, who hurt me, who let me down time and time again. She took away the man I always had to make excuses for, because he was so rude to my family. She took away the man who had a wandering eye and most likely always wondered how many loose girls he could bag, if he could, if he just could. She took away the man who told me he would send me away to a home if I got cancer. She took away the man who ruined every single important event in my life because he felt no happiness for anything himself, so why should I?  She took away the man who hated the excitement I felt for life and the joys it brings. She took away a liar, a cheater and a man who wouldn’t know honor if it smacked him across his face. She took away a man who hates everything in life and the people he encounters. She took away a man who will never be more than he is now, a sad, pathetic person who cares for no one but himself. She took the burden I felt tying to “save” him, away. Thank you for letting me now save myself. It is my time.

It is always funny when a breakup involves another woman. Said woman thinks she will be the one to make things better, to save the poor broken hearted soul of the broken down man. She looks up to him as if he is a glowing god. He is older, smarter, more worldly, so wonderful. But, what these women seem to not see is the kind of man these men were to the women they loved. If a man will lie to the love of their life, what makes  you think they wont to you? If a man cheats on the love of their life, what makes you think they wont to you? If a man neglects and becomes distant to the woman they called the most important thing in their life, what makes you think that someday you will not be alone at home, sleeping, while he is meeting other women in the dead of night?

This special girl will most likely never read this, but I felt she needed to be thanked. If any of you have ever had a similar thing happen, please take a moment and reflect on what your life would be like had these other women not made such a huge impact on you. I know, had I stayed with him, I would be living a life of unhappiness, of what if’s, of regret and longing for something better.

In closing, thank you Other Woman, you saved my life. You saved my happiness and I can never thank you enough.

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